Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I recently did a project with a friend of mine about Propaganda, and one of the most remarkable things I found through the research were George Orwell's words, "All art is essentially propaganda."  He wrote it in a review of T. S. Eliot's Poetry, and it was kind of a throw away line, but he really has a point.  Is it possible to separate the art from its creator, or does it always gleam through?

Orwell himself wasn't exactly subtle.
It s a pretty interesting idea, at least, and it isn't necessarily a bad thing by any means, it just means that we have to be careful and consider where the things that we consume comes from.

Also, it is my birthday tomorrow.  Kickass.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Saving the World

We recently pitched our idea to the class for our company, SunSpots, LLC.  Here, for the we gave everyone an opportunity to be a part of our future, perhaps as a species, and became filthy rich in the process.  The presentation was fun, but I don't know if the idea is going to catch on . . .
I just don't understand why . . .
It was really cool to see the other groups ideas too, everyone had such different ideas, from skits to posters and plays.  and while I'm disappointing we didn't win, we still had a great time making the project.
Nothing quiet says "fun" like Libel!